Origin: Colombia
Region: Tolima
Producer: Shady Bader
Farm: El Vergel
Altitude: 1400-1450masl
Variety: Gesha
Process: Natural, Carbonic Maceration
Tasting notes: Strawberry, Mandarin, Chocolate
About this Coffee
Their farm is located in the beautiful Department of Tolima and rests on
El Vergel, or Black Mountain, an inactive volcano that has created some
of the most nutrient-rich soil for planting.
They go through great lengths to only produce the finest yields from our
crops while practicing sustainability at their farm. They say:
‘We believe that creating high-quality products comes with great
responsibility. Our dedication to sustainability does not just extend to the
final product but also to our farm, our community, and our earth.
We go to great lengths to recycle our products and to reuse them
throughout the farm.
One of the most overlooked sustainability factors is water. Water is not
only used for watering the plants on the farm but also for washing the
coffee. Tons of water can be used over the course of a harvest and can
cause damage to the local topography washing away the landscape.
Through proper recycling techniques we have been able to drastically
minimize the amount of water used and conserve the water consumption
in our surrounding area by 40%. This keeps us from draining our springs
and create a surplus of drinking water for the whole community to
benefit from.”